My Favorite Business SAAS Product

Chris Herbert
2 min readSep 7, 2022

My last post felt a little off as I am not very good at hating on things (Despite my hatred of how Calendly is used, I still feel bad hating on the tech). So as a Mea Culpa of sorts, let me share my favorite piece of business software that I think every business should be using — Trainual

Businesses are People

Businesses are really just groups of people so it comes as no surprise that excellent hiring and management of people is key to being successful. There are a lot of frameworks out there to help in this mission and some great software

But one critical part of this is to maximize the effectiveness of your team. You can hire smart and talented individuals but without the right direction, you will get poor performance. And with the right direction, you can get great performance out of folks lacking fancy degrees (Think about the team at In N Out and Costco)

It’s All About Training — But Who Has Time For That?

Ben Horrowitz has a long section in his book “Hard Thing About Hard Things” on training people. He has a blog on how startups continue to not train their people and how critical it is to success.

Why is there no training at startups? Time.

Everyone at a startup is running from one action to the other and investing in writing…



Chris Herbert

Squall Growth Marketing for Startups. Previous 3x startup founder - TrackR, Cliq, Shine